

① 英語力UP

② いつなにをしたか、なにを考えたかの記録






④医療 (臨床、医療制度について)

⑤その他 つぶやき。



【My English writing】

The purposes of writing this diary are improvement of English skills and recording of my daily progression. The contents of this dialy are shown below.

1: Improvement of my English ability

2: Recordings of my study history for biology and regenerative medicine.

3: Recordings of my study history for data science and programming.

4: Medical study and opinions for the medical system.



【English after correction

The purposes of writing this diary are to improve my English skills and to record my daily progression. The contents of this dialy are shown below.

1: Improvement of my English ability

2: Recordings of my study history for biology and regenerative medicine.

3: Recordings of my study history for data science and programming.

4: Medical study and opinions for the medical system.



The purpose of the diary is to

1) Improve my English

2) To record what I did and when I did it, and what I thought about it.


The contents of the diary are

1) Japanese → my English → corrected English

2) What I learned about regenerative medicine

3) Data science study (both statistics and implementation)

4) Medical care (clinical care, medical system)

5) Other tweets.